How To Deactivate An Instagram Account When Someone Dies
Do you need to deactivate your deceased loved one’s Instagram Account? Here’s everything you need to know!
Instagram Deactivation Options: If the Instagram account owner dies, you have the option of:
Deleting the account completely OR
Memorializing the account, which allows friends and family to still view photos, videos and other memories but does not allow the account to be logged into, therefore securing the account from identity theft or data extraction. Also as Instagram is owned by Facebook, the process for memorialization and account removal will be almost identical to one another.
Required Information
User’s full name and email
Official date of death
Documentation of death (Ex. obituary, death certificate, memorial card, etc.)
To DELETE the account, if you don’t have the death certificate you’ll need a proof of authority such as power of attorney, birth certificate, last will and testament, or estate letter.
Your full name and email
How to Memorialize An Instagram Account:
Access this Instagram Help page in order to submit a request for Memorialization
Prepare and fill-in the following Required Information
Send in your request
*Note that due to coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, memorialization and account removal requests may take more time to process than usual.
How to Delete An Instagram Account (WITHOUT PASSWORD):
Access this Instagram Help page in order to submit a request to delete the account
Prepare and fill-in the following Required Information
Send in your request
How to Delete An Instagram Account (WITH PASSWORD):
Access the Delete Your Account page
Log into the user’s Instagram account with email/username and password
Click the reason that you are deleting the account
Click the “Permanently Delete My Account” button in the bottom left corner
Need help? GoodTrust is a trusted expert in managing digital legacy and our experienced team knows exactly how to help you quickly delete, memorialize or extract content from sites like these. If you sign-up now we’ll even close down or memorialize Facebook for free!
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