A Digital Time Capsule With Future Messages
Do you love receiving those “On This Day” messages to look at photos, videos, and memories? What if you could create your own and decide when they get shared? Or inspire yourself or others to live their best life? Or capture your love today and share it with your spouse months or years from now? Even after you pass away?
That’s all possible with GoodTrust Future Messages, which allows you to easily create and schedule a personalized time capsule with text, photos, and video - sent to anyone you choose. We’ll do the rest to ensure it’s delivered at just the right moment to connect with loved ones, friends, and family members. Imagine the reaction on the other end when they receive it - priceless.

It's important to note that Future Messages can be customized to your preferences and private to you and the recipient. We've created inspirational examples to help you get started. The recipient of anything you share will also receive a secure invitation to join GoodTrust for free.

So where to begin?
Record a video message that captures how you're feeling today or create a GoodTrust Memory (animated photo)
Surprise your future self with a written message about your plans (maybe include your bucket list)
Get inspired by checking out examples of Future Messages created by GoodTrust
Decide on the recipient
You could send Future Messages to your:
Future self
Select the delivery date
This can be months from now, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, or more! You can even schedule your Future Message to be delivered on a specific date, maybe for a birthday or an anniversary, or just for the fun of seeing what will be occurring on the day you receive a message from your past self.
Even create your own "On This Day" moment to share with others. You might even send a message now so you don't forget someone's birthday or anniversary in the future. You can choose to send your Future Message sometime in the (near or distant) future or to send them after your passing.

Connect your entire digital legacy
Further, you'll be able to discover and explore the various other features GoodTrust has to offer like creating a free will (in less than 15 minutes - maybe record a Future Message that describes WHY certain heirlooms are so important to you). You can also include a GoodTrust Memory (animated photo) in your Future Messages to create a special moment that's preserved over time.
We also invite you to explore what more you can do with GoodTrust, from safeguarding your accounts and social media to uploading and sharing valuable documents to specifying your end-of-life and afterlife will and wishes.
The future - is now. So why not start by sending yourself an inspirational message today?